![]() Vol. 5, No. 2 Contents
Back Issues
Spring 2001
What fish, birds and bugs can tell usUsing Biology to Signal Ecological Health is a report documenting a conference held last fall by the Massachusetts Bays Program (MBP) and its cosponsors to assess whether environmental protection efforts are keeping wetlands, barrier beaches, bays and other ecosystems healthy. Topics included the use and application of biological indicators such as vegetation, macroinvertebrates and fish, work being conducted on vernal pools, wetlands restoration, invasive species, ocean waters and barrier beaches and the challenges of applying biological monitoring. For a copy of the report contact the MBP at (617) 626-1200. New Fundy fact sheetsThe Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership (BoFEP) has published four new Fundy Issues: “Fundy's Wild Atlantic Salmon: Doomed or Simply Down?” “Whither the Weather: Climate Change and the Bay of Fundy,” “Fundy's Minas Basin: Multiplying the Pluses of Minas” and “Fundy's Fisheries: Who Should Write the Rules?” The publications describe the scientific and environmental issues confronting the Bay. The newest issues were written and produced by J. A. Percy, SeaPen Communications, Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia. To obtain copies go to: www.auracom.com/~bofep. Bay of Fundy workshop proceedingsOpportunities and Challenges for Protecting, Restoring and Enhancing Coastal Habitats in the Bay of Fundy, editors T. Chopin and P.G. Wells, documents the proceedings of the 4th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop held in St. John, New Brunswick, last September as part of the Coastal Zone Canada 2000 International Conference. The papers presented in the publication represent a wide range of issues facing the Bay and cover several key themes: Nutrification of Coastal Waters; Tidal Power Development–Environmental Issues and Constraints; Ecologically and Community Valued Marine Areas in the Bay of Fundy; Salt Marshes and Reserves; and Communities, Contaminants and Habitats. To obtain a copy contact Peter Wells, Environment Canada, (902) 426-1426, or peter.wells@ec.gc.ca. Fishing gear impactsThe National Marine Fisheries Service has established a Web site for information on the effects of mobile fishing gear on both habitat and fish. The site includes a database providing access to scientific and popular literature. The site will be updated regularly with new information of ongoing research. Plans for future research will focus on identifying the effects of fishing gear types such as trawls, long lines, pot and dredges on fish habitat for a range of habitat types. Long term plans call for studies establishing the connections between habitat, fish production, population dynamics and the mitigation of fishing impacts through gear design. To view the Web site go to: www.afsc.noaa.gov/abl/MarFish/geareffects.htm. Narrowing the great divide“To the immense credit of both fishermen and scientists, these two communities have recognized that they need each other, that the sum of their under-standing of the fishery ecosystem is greater than their individual knowledge, that they need to re-establish trust and working relationships,” reads the introduction to FishResearch.org. The site, which is supported in-part by the Gulf of Maine Aquarium and the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, hopes to provide a neutral ground for information on collaborative fishery research that will benefit both fishermen and scientists. The resource includes a vessel database for fisherman interested in charting their boats for research purposes, profiles of scientists and available funding for fisheries projects that encourage fishermen to develop research ideas into proposals. Check it out at: www.FishResearch.org. Gulf of Maine maps availableUndersea Landscapes of the Gulf of Maine is an award-winning map and poster that focuses on the landscapes, geology and biology of the Gulf of Maine. Robert Steneck of the University of Maine School of Marine Sciences and Joseph Kelley of the Maine Geological Survey developed the poster’s concept and text. Paul Dest, formerly of the Maine Coastal Program/State Planning Office coordinated the project. An 18” X 24” three-color map of the Gulf of Maine watershed (featured on page 12 of the Gulf of Maine Times) is also available. For copies of the maps please call Andy Cameron, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, (902) 424-0406; Mary Power, New Hampshire Coastal Program, (603) 431-9366; Lorraine Lessard, Maine Coastal Program/State Planning Office, (207) 287-1486; or the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management’s Information Line, (617) 626-1212. |