![]() Vol. 5, No. 2 Contents
Back Issues
Spring 2001
The Great Gulf of Maine is a series of programs
scheduled through October at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve in
Wells, Maine, one Thursday a month, at 7 p.m. June 28– Restoring Seabirds to
the Maine, Pete Salmansohn, education coordinator for the National Audubon
Society’s shorebird restoration program; July 26– Lobsters and Lobstering,
Tom Farnon, a retired teacher and lobsterman; Aug. 23– Maine’s Marine
Mammals: Seals, Whales and Dolphins, Linda Calero, animal care director for
the Marine Mammal Lifeline; Sept. 27– Beneath the Surface: Hidden Worlds in
the Gulf of Maine, undersea photogra-pher Bill Curtsinger; Oct. 25–
Maritime History, Mystery and the Music of the Gulf of Maine, Joe McCarthy,
a marine biologist and maritime history buff with sea shanties by Roll & Go.
Please call (207) 646-1555 for more information, or go to the Wells’ Web site at
www.wellsreserve.org. Intensive Wetland Monitoring Workshop for Trainers of Volunteers and Staff, July 12 to 14, will be held at Franklin Pierce College in Rindge, New Hampshire. Cosponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/New England Region and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, the workshop is for organizations and agencies that may enlist citizen help in monitoring and protecting wet-lands. Contact Beth Card at (978) 323-7929, or bcard@neiwpcc.org. Coastal Zone 2001, July 15 to 19 in Cleveland, Ohio, will feature important lessons learned by coastal managers around the world and models of successful partnerships, such as those established in the Great Lakes, where two sovereign nations jointly manage water and living resources of its great "inland sea." For details visit the conference Web site at www.csc.noaa.gov/cz2001/. The 21st Annual Conference of the Society of Wetland Scientists will be held in Quebec City Aug. 6 to 12. Themes include sustainability of wetland and biological resources, wetland restoration technology, advances in regulatory programs, fisheries and wetland habitat conservation, networks and education. Contact: Elizabeth MacKay at the Millenium Wetland Event Secretariat, (418) 667-3853. Rachel Carson and the Conservation Movement: Past, Present and Future, will take place at the National Training Center, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, Aug. 10 to 12. The symposium will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the publication of Carson's Silent Spring and will bring together historians, scientists, philosophers, writers and artists to explore the movement that emerged in her wake. Speakers will include Barry Lopez, the author, and Sylvia Earle, the marine biologist. For more information contact Mark Madison, (304) 876-7276, or at mark_madison@fws.gov. The 1st International Conference on Global Warming and The Next Ice Age, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 19 to 24, is cosponsored by the Atmospheric Science Program at Dalhousie, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and the American Meteorological Society (see Gulf Log). The forum will consist of presentations associated with the science of climate change with ample time reserved for discussions. For more information visit Dalhousie University's Atmospheric Science Program Web site, www.atm.dal.ca, or contact Peter Chylek, (902) 494-2337. Lobsters Revealed: Shedding Their Secrets is the theme for Gulf of Maine Marine Education Association’s fall conference on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the Southern Maine Technical College campus in South Portland. Workshops will cover lobster ecology, art, literature, harvesting, research, conservation management and other topics. Presenters will include scientific researchers, authors and edu-cators. For information contact Karen Acerno, the association’s president-elect at Kacerno@aol.com. |