Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment

Gulf of Maine Projects

1996 Coastal Habitat Restoration Report

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Projects are underway to restore seabird populations on 10 Maine islands, including Matinicus Rock, Stratton and Bluff Islands, Jenny Island, Seal Island, Eastern Egg Rock, Metinic Island, Ship Island, Petit Manan Island, and Machias Seal Island. Projects are also underway at the Isles of Shoals (White and Seavey Islands) in New Hampshire and Monomoy Island in Massachusetts. The formation of the Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GOMSWG) has encouraged Gulf-wide collaborations to effectively restore seabird populations. Restoration of tern populations along coastal Maine has been extremely successful. In 1997, GOMSWG counted 7,102 pairs of Common Terns, 3,976 pairs of Arctic Terns, and 237 pairs of Roseate Terns off coastal Maine. These numbers are close to population estimates made in the 1930s. Populations of other impacted species, including Atlantic Puffins, are also on the rise. GOMSWG is an excellent forum for coordinating seabird restoration efforts and is seeking increased participation by New Brunswick and Nova Scotia in order to address the issue Gulf-wide.

Dunes -- Anadromous fish

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