Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment

Gulf of Maine Projects

1996 Coastal Habitat Restoration Report

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Dune restoration projects extend from Cape Cod to southern Maine. Most dune projects are relatively small in size and go undetected since they are often planted and maintained with the permission of the local conservation commission and without the need of a state or federal permit. Almost all of these plantings are for storm protection rather than habitat restoration. Several larger projects involving the construction of sacrificial dunes have been conducted in coastal communities such as Duxbury, Massachusetts. Sacrificial dunes are constructed primarily for storm protection rather than habitat restoration. If built in the wrong areas, dunes can have detrimental effects on nesting habitat for shoreline birds. However, if conducted in the right place and with proper considerations for rare and endangered species, dune restoration can have positive ecological, economic, and aesthetic benefits. These considerations are part of comprehensive dune management plans for approximately 11 barrier beaches, including Cape Cod National Seashore and the R. T.. Crane Jr. Memorial Reservation in Ipswich, Massachusetts.

Seagrass -- Seabirds

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