Gulf of Maine Projects
Final Report: Evaluation of the Gulfwatch
Monitoring Program
Table of Contents
Summary Table of Recommendations
List of Review Panel Members
Coastal Monitoring; Background to Gulfwatch Review
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The Gulfwatch Program incorporates some of the essential elements
of a monitoring program and it is at a good point in time to reevaluate
it's goals and objectives and to more sharply focus available finite resources
on achievable goals. This reevaluation can be built on an extensive monitoring
literature (e.g., NOAA 1991, 1997) and on the experience of other programs
(e.g., NOAA 1995) In this review of Gulfwatch, we focus on a chemical
contaminant monitoring program but have summarized coastal monitoring
in more general terms in Appendix 2.
A comprehensive monitoring program of toxic contaminants requires
understanding of:
(1) the physical processes (specifically flow characteristics)
that influence the transport of contaminants;
(2) the chemical processes that influence contaminant availability,
persistence, and degradation in sediments and water;
(3) the long-term biological effects that result from low-level
contaminant exposure; and
(4) the human health risks associated with toxic contaminants.
The first two aspects are important in establishing realistic
exposure scenarios in space and time and the last two aspects are important
in linking ecological effects with concerns of contamination of resources.
In designing a monitoring program for evaluating human health
risks and coastal environmental degradation, the following objectives
should be considered, although not all of them are currently included
in Gulfwatch:
Define the sources of contamination (both point and non-point
sources) and determine the degree to which those sources can be controlled.
Assemble production and use data. This may be an extremely difficult task
but if changes in contaminant inputs through changes in use patterns,
new treatment technologies, or recycling efforts are to be effective,
we must begin to understand the magnitude of contaminant inputs to coastal
waters and how they may be reduced.
Determine the persistence, degradation rates, and biogeochemical
cycling of contaminants within coastal marine sediments and the flux of
those contaminants between sediments, water, and organisms. Obviously,
this requires links to current environmental research.
Relate contaminant concentrations in the environment to
ecological changes of concern.
Describe variability of selected parameters in the natural
system. Analytical, spatial and temporal variability must be described
in order to interpret monitoring data.
Improve analytical methodology and sampling design so that
data of the requisite quality are generated. It is also important that
a monitoring program remain flexible to incorporate the introduction of
new techniques as they become available.
A systematic and rigorous quality control-quality assurance
program must be an integral component of any analytical program; including
participation in inter-laboratory comparison exercises. This component
is essential for the interpretation of program results.
Data analysis and interpretation is an essential part of
any monitoring program and is too often given insufficient effort. This
step includes the translation of expensive monitoring measurements into
coherent information that is relevant to managers.
Public assess to monitoring results on a timely basis is
important and data should be incorporated into regional and national electronic
databases as soon as practicable.
Together, the above components constitute a technically sound
monitoring program and the continuous incorporation of state-of-the-art
scientific knowledge into the monitoring program design will ensure credible
results. To avoid the trap of expending effort on simple data-collection,
a well-designed monitoring program should incorporate the concept of "hypothesis
testing" common to scientific experimentation. A specific testable
question based on a resource management issue of concern will guide the
nature and quality of measurements made. Using this approach, monitoring
measurements will only be made for variables which are relevant to address
the general question, "Will this measurement provide the data to
permit a management decision?" This approach will create an obvious
link between data collection and decision making, thus making the monitoring
program more cost effective.
The kinds of testable questions to be developed fall into several
categories: contaminant characterization, input quantification, near-field,
short-term effects (e.g., respiratory effects) and far-field, long-term
effects (e.g., community alterations). Once testable questions are developed,
they are organized into a "tiered" monitoring strategy (e.g.,
Zeller and Wastler, 1986; NRC, 1990). A similar approach based on measured
effects has also been described by Phelps et al (1987).
This monitoring strategy will generate only that information which
is needed for decision-making and will not resolve other questions that
may arise. It is important to avoid the natural tendency to overuse monitoring
measurements by applying them to questions that were not asked when the
data were gathered. A well-designed monitoring program should provide
a framework within which resource management agencies can address specific
management issues. The tiered approach to sampling and analysis encourages
a conscious decision at each step (tier) concerning stepping up to the
next level of resolution (and expense). At each point, the monitoring
staff must decide if temporal and spatial resolution is adequate to address
the question asked and if data resolution is of adequate precision for
a management action. This tiered approach will also discourage the automatic
use of expensive high-tech measurements until they are clearly needed.
Scientific uncertainty should be explicitly considered at each tier level
when considering adequacy of data in hand.
The tiered approach described is organized into a monitoring plan
to be used by the agencies now making less organized measurements of coastal
contamination. In one sense, this monitoring plan will always be evolving
because we do not yet fully understand the natural processes (physical,
chemical, and biological) that control the transport, fate and effects
of contaminants in coastal systems. Through the adoption of this approach,
it will become clear to the monitoring program staff why each tier is
a necessary base on which to build the next tier of data of increased
resolution (and cost). Initial tiers represent observational data and
simple measurements of bulk parameters. Depending on the response provided
by such data to the testable question posed, a decision will be made whether
or not to continue to the next tier. Proceeding from tier to tier will
generate data of increasing resolution, accuracy and cost. Thus, more
sophisticated data will not be sought unless a specific need is identified
at the preceding tier level. Ideally, the more detailed studies required
in the later tiers will be carried out only when simpler studies conducted
in an earlier tier reveal that data of higher resolution or reduced uncertainty
are necessary. Continual close links to ongoing academic research are
essential so that the monitoring plan can be modified as new information
becomes available. One possible mechanism for creating such links could
be the application of graduate thesis research to Gulf monitoring questions
that cannot be directly addressed within the monitoring activities.
On to the Review
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