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ESIP’s Newsletter, the August 2016 Gulf Pulse, Now Available
It’s here! The August 2016 Gulf Pulse is available. Stories in this issue of ESIP’s newsletter include:
▸ Updates on ICUC, ESIP’s mobile app
▸ The work of collecting datasets for use in ESIP tools and reports
▸ An introduction to the Fisheries Fact Sheet
Download the August 2016 Gulf Pulse (PDF, 4.7 MB)
ESIP is presenting at many meetings this Spring
If you’re going to be at NEAEB (New England Associations of Environmental Biologists) or The Maine Sustainability and Water Conference in April be sure to come say “Hi!” at ESIP’s poster. ESIP will also be giving oral presentations at the Penobscot Watershed Conference and New England Estuary Research Society in May.
The American Lobster Settlement Index: An Early Warning System?
Click here to download (PDF, < 5 MB)
ESIP’s annual newsletter, Gulf Pulse (June 2015), is now available
Click here to download (PDF, < 1 MB)
ESIP presented at the recent NEERS meeting (April 17) in Bristol, Rhode Island
Click to download presentation material (PPTX, 2 MB)
ESIP was recently mentioned in a poster presented to NEAEB (New England Association of Environmental Biologists) — Check it out! 
Click here to download the full poster (PDF, 8.3 MB)
Click here to visit the NEAEB site
New ESIP Project in the Bay of Fundy
ESIP has a new project in the Bay of Fundy to gather information on eutrophication and sediment contamination. ESIP recognized a large gap in the knowledge for specific indicators in the Bay of Fundy and partnered with Eastern Charlotte Waterways to start sampling and analyze the waters and sediments for crucial indicators. Sampling in the embayments along the Bay of Fundy began in January 2015.
ESIP Newsletter
First annual ESIP newsletter released August 2014 (PDF, 1.8 mb)
ESIP Out and About
ESIP recently presented at the Acadia Science Symposium and the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) in October. You can access either the ESIP poster by clicking here.
ESIP 2.0 is Coming
ESIP has put together a team to determine a framework for approaching ESIP’s next set of indicators. This second set of indicators (or ESIP 2.0) is meant to bring in more integrative or holistic indicators. The team has been working for several months with the framework set to be released in February 2015.
Past ESIP News
ESIP at Sentinel Monitoring
ESIP attended the Sentinel Monitoring meeting October 7, 2013 in Rye, New Hampshire. ESIP’s Program Manager and other Steering Committee members participated in the estuaries, benthic, and pelagic work groups.