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Vol. 4, No. 1


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By Barry C. Jones
Chairman, Coastal Zone Canada 2000

Coastal Zone Canada 2000 to focus on stewardship

Thoughts of the coast can bring to mind images of beautiful beaches lit by colorful sunsets, flying gulls, or fishermen bringing in their catch. But the elements that make coastal areas the most productive and ecologically sensitive regions of the globe are not always apparent to the eye.

The last 50 years have provided a series of increasingly urgent lessons on the fragility of coastal and ocean environments. Where before we believed that the oceans were infinitely vast and robust, we now know that our activities at sea and on shore have significantly changed the marine ecosystem. Global contamination of waters, plants, and animals, and the collapse of fisheries worldwide sound the alarm that many of our present practices are not sustainable. To ensure the ocean's health requires much more than technical adjustments; a whole new philosophy is required.

Many maritime nations are mounting major new initiatives in the development of coastal stewardship. To assist in this process, an international conference, Coastal Zone Canada 2000, will take place in Saint John, New Brunswick September 17-22.

Under the theme, "Coastal Steward-ship: Lessons Learned and the Paths Ahead," the conference will explore the cultural perspectives and experiences of Aboriginal peoples, the achievements of coastal communities in developing coastal stewardship, the concept of coastal health, and the changing requirements of oceans governance. Prompting our discussion will be the internationally developed document, Baseline 2000. It outlines the status of world marine issues and strives to set new and realistic targets for the near future. These will serve as measures of our subsequent progress in integrated coastal zone management on a world-wide basis.

An international Youth Forum will also take place in conjunction with the conference to allow the next generation of stewards to come together and establish their goals for coastal zone management. Participants in the forum will present these goals at the main conference.

An international Trade Show integrated with the conference will provide opportunities for informal discussions of innovative technologies, approaches, and business opportunities.

Long-term sustainability must be foremost in the minds of governments, corporations, community groups, and individuals. Let's work together to broaden international understanding of the world's coastal zones and the role we play in their future.

For further information about the conference, please visit our Web site, or E-mail: or call (506) 462-5961.