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New institute says wind power best for Maine

Collaboration turns dangerous debris into power

Fish tagging technologies Where do the fish go?

Those who work to protect the Gulf of Maine

Spiraling fuel costs, world financial woes inflict ‘perfect storm’ on GOM lobstermen

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Wolfish May Receive Federal Protection

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Sharing the Ocean:
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"An Enormous, Immensely Complicated Intervention":

Groundfish, the New England Fishery Management Council, and the World Fisheries Crisis

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the Oyster Conservationist project

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Around the Gulf


PHOTO: Rebecca Zeiber

At about 7:30 a.m. on a cool October morning, Ray Konisky (front) of The Nature Conservancy, and Krystin Ward (back), research technician at the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, released about 3,000 juvenile oysters into the Oyster River in Durham, New Hampshire as part of the Oyster Conservationist project. The oyster conservationists are volunteers who raise baby oysters off of their own docks on Great Bay, which has 200 miles of tidal shoreline and is framed by five N.H. towns. Once the oysters are big enough, they are collected and “planted” to help restore declining populations. Besides being a food source for humans and animals, oysters are natural water purifiers and help filter increasing pollutant loads in Great Bay.

Gulf of Maine map

Gulf of Maine Action Plan

Gulf of Maine Habitat Primer

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