Events & Documents


  • ESIP held its annual Steering Committee meeting on June 10, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts. Members took the opportunity to map out the intended path for ESIP 2.0 and wrapping up ESIP 1.0.
  • ESIP’s annual Steering Committee meeting took place on March 16, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts. Invitees included individuals from other GOMC committees whose work intersects with ESIP’s.
  • ESIP held a webtool workshop at the 2011 Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership meeting in Saint John, New Brunswick on September 28. Participants were asked to provide evaluation on ESIP’s webtools and guidance on future changes.
  • ESIP held a joint webtool workshop with the Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal and Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS) on April 7, 2011 in Rye, New Hampshire. Participants were asked to provide feedback on ways to improve on the delivery of information for the Gulf of Maine.
