EcoSystem Indicator Partnership


The EcoSystem Indicator Partnership (ESIP) is a committee of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. ESIP is developing indicators for the Gulf of Maine and integrating regional data for a new Web-based reporting system for marine ecosystem monitoring. Activities of ESIP center on convening regional practitioners in six indicator areas: coastal development, contaminants and pathogens, eutrophication, aquatic habitat, fisheries and aquaculture, and climate change.

ESIP Steering Committee

Jawed Hameedi
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

James Latimer, US Co-Chair
United States Environmental Protection Agency

Abraham Miller-Rushing
United States Department of the Interior

Heather Breeze
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Matt Liebman
United States Environmental Protection Agency

Kathryn Parlee, Canadian Co-Chair
Environment Canada

US and Canadian Co-Chairs are in bold.

ESIP subcommittee membership lists

Climate Change Subcommittee

Coastal Development Subcommittee

Contaminants Subcommittee

Eutrophication Subcommittee

Fisheries and Aquaculture Subcommittee

Aquatic Habitats Subcommittee