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MARCH 13 - 15 | ||||||
Building for a Changing Climate will take place in Boston from March 13 to 15. The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's annual conference is expected to draw about 2,500 participants for workshops, speakers, a public forum and trade show on renewable energy and green building technologies. More than 150 experts in climate change, sustainable energy and green building will speak. To find out more about the event go to http://buildingenergy.nesea.org. | ||||||
MAY 9 - 11 | ||||||
The 10th Canadian Workshop on Harmful Algae/10e Atelier canadien sur les algues nuisibles, May 9 to 11 at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute in Mont-Joli, Québec, Canada. The biannual workshop is sponsored by the Phycotoxins Working Group of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans. This series of workshops is Canada's premier forum focused on the problem of harmful algae, presenting an opportunity for scientists and others to present their research and discuss current topics in the field. The event also fosters networking and partnerships at regional, national and international levels. This year's workshop will include the following themes: the taxonomy, ecology and physiology of harmful algae; the biogeography of harmful algae and their dispersion vectors; the impacts of climate variability, climate change and other human activities on the proliferation of harmful algae; harmful algae monitoring and new observation systems; freshwater cyanobacteria; toxin detection and analysis methods; and mitigation measures. For more information visit http://www.osl.gc.ca/conf/tox2007/. |
MAY 28 - June 11 | ||||||
The CMOS-CGU-AMS Congress 2007, May 28 to June 1 in St. John's, Newfoundland. The "Air, Ocean, Earth and Ice on the Rock" conference will be hosted by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographical Society, the Canadian Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society. About 1,000 scientists are expected to attend the joint congress, to be held at the Delta Hotel and St. John's Congress Centre. The science program will include talks on the atmosphere and climate. For information see http://www.cmos2007.ca/en/index.htm.