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Volume 6, No. 4 |
Promoting Cooperation to Maintain and Enhance
Winter 2002 | |||||||||||||||
Calendar The Coastal GeoTools '03 Conference will be held on January 6 to 9 in Charleston, South Carolina. The conference will highlight the integration of geospatial tools and methodologies with coastal resource management. Topics include: hazard mitigation; shoreline change; marine protected areas; coastal ocean observation and management; land use and community development; and federal partnership opportunities for states. To register go to: www.csc.noaa.gov/GeoTools. The Canadian Aquaculture Law and Policy Workshop is scheduled for February 26 to 28 at the Westin Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The theme of the workshop is Towards Principled Access and Operations. Hosted by the Dalhousie Law Schools AquaNet Law and Policy Project, the workshop provides a forum for participants to exchange ideas and share information on the ever-changing legal, political and social issues that continue to shape the aquaculture industry. It will bring together high-level policy makers, industry leaders, First Nations participants and others, including AquaNet investigators from across the country, with international speakers from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Europe. Direct any inquiries to Joan Cottell, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries at: Tel: (902) 424-8954 Fax: (902) 424-0699. Or go to: www.library.dal.ca/law/aquanet/whatsnew.htm. Saving Our Coastal Heritage: Restore America's Estuaries Inaugural National Conference will be held April 13 to 16 at the Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland. Join field practitioners, community leaders, consultants, scientists, regulators, program managers, educators, volunteers and others who engage in habitat restoration to advance the practice, knowledge, pace and success of restoration projects. The program will include best restoration practices, information and resource needs, community outreach, national and regional policy strategies, funding opportunities, partnerships, and restoration science and practiceincluding monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management. For registration and schedule information go to: www.estuaries.org. Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Effects Monitoring Workshop: Approaches and Technologies will be held May 27 to 30, 2003, at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The workshop will raise two issues: Are environmental effects monitoring (EEM) programs giving us the information we need; How can they be improved? The themes are: EEM and environmental management; lessons to be learned from EEM methodologies currently employed by industry; developing, evaluating, and implementing new EEM methodologies and technologies; and future directions for r &d on offshore oil and gas EEM issues. At present, information about the workshop is at www.acpi.ca/EEM/acpi_eem.htm, but will be moved to a new domain at www.offshoreEEM/ca, in the near future. The 14th International Global Warming Conference and Expo is scheduled for May 27 to 30 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Conference theme is Extreme Events, Energy, Agricultural and Natural Resource Management. Sub-themes include: extreme events and impacts assessment; remote sensing and global surveillance; energy and transportation; industries; agricultural and forestry resource management; ecosystems and biodiversity; human health in a changing climate; international law and mitigation; state and local government's responses to climate related disasters; and education. To participate contact the Expo Coordinator at (630) 910-1551. Fax (630) 910-1561 or go to: http://www.globalwarming.net/gw14-overview.asp