![]() Vol. 1, No. 1
Coastal Zone '97 Coastal Zone 97 The Next 25 Years: Charting the Future of Coastal Zone Management is slated for July 1997 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. For details, call the Urban Harbors Institute at (617) 287-5570, or visit their new Web site at http://www.nos.noaa.gov/cz97/welcome.html. Gulf data for Web users Documents, resource directories, and databases relating to the Gulf of Maine are available from the Environmental Data and Information Management System [EDIMS], overseen by the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment's Information Management Committee. The Internet network offers information likely to be of interest to state and provincial planners, marine environment and resource managers, marine/ocean scientists and engineers, and others. To use EDIMS, visit http://gulfofmaine.unh.edu/edims.html. Gulf of Maine magazine Profiles of citizens' efforts to protect habitats of the Gulf of Maine appear in the latest edition of Our Common Heritage, the magazine produced by the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. This edition also explores the importance of Gulf habitats and profiles the Council's 1995 Visionary Award winners. For a copy, call the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Information Line at (617) 727-9530, ext. 420 or E-mail your request and your mailing address to mczm@state.ma.us. Shellfish fact sheet Prepared by the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment, Shellfish Resources in the Gulf of Maine provides an overview of the health of this Gulf resource. The fact sheet describes current shellfish and water quality monitoring efforts; the role of government agencies, volunteers, and partnerships in shellfish management; and the economic impacts of closing shellfish beds. For a copy call (from Canada) (902) 424-5206 or (from the US) (603) 433-7187. Wild Gulf almanac The Wild Gulf Almanac: Educational Resources About the Gulf of Maine Watershed, is designed to give teachers, students, and the public access to information and educational tools on the Gulf and its watershed. For a copy, call The Chewonki Foundation at (207) 882-7323 or the US Fish & Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Project at (207) 781-8364. New MA coastal zone brochure and map Protecting Natural Resources While Promoting Responsible Economic Development, a new brochure from Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management [MCZM], describes their programs and includes a full-color, poster-sized map of the Bay State's coastal zone. For a copy, call the MCZM Information Line at (617) 727-9530, ext. 420 or E-mail your request and your mailing address to mczm@state.ma.us. Woods Hole Sea Grant publications catalog The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Sea Grant Program offers a comprehensive 80-page catalog listing nearly 600 marine science publications. For a copy, call (508) 289-2398 or E-mail your request and your mailing address to seagrant@whoi.edu. ME Coastal Program guide The Maine Coastal Program [MCP] has produced a new edition of Sightings, a guide to audio/visual materials on marine and coastal topics available on loan to schools, libraries, and other educational institutions. For a copy call (207) 287-5305, or E-mail paul.dest@state.me.us. Nova Scotia Marine Affairs Directory Compiled by the Marine Affairs Program at Dalhousie University, the Marine Affairs Directory lists organizations with interests and activities in the Nova Scotia marine sector. Copies are available by calling the Marine Affairs Program at (902) 494-3555. |