50 Ways to Save
the Gulf of Maine
The Global Programme of Action
Coalition for the Gulf of Maine has published a 25 page booklet and teaching
tool designed for use in grades six through ten. 50 Ways to Save the Gulf of
Maine is a colorful and lively look at the Gulf of Maine; its great water
cycle, abundant marine life and as a destination for millions of tourists
and nature lovers. "Its waters are so rich and productive that it has been
called a 'garden in the sea,'" writes Jon Percy, the booklet's author. The
publication details the Gulf's water recycling process and such threats to
its viability as sewage, lawn fertilizers, persistent organic pollutants and
stormwater runoff. The final section lists 50 worthwhile ways to take
action, learn about the watershed and teach others how to protect the Gulf.
To obtain copies contact:
Pam Person,
479 Back Ridge Road, Orland, ME 04472;
Sean Brillant, |
ACAP Saint John, 76 Germain Street/Box 6878, Saint John, NB E2L 4S3;
Colleen Mercer-Clarke,
c/o CBCL, 1489 Hollis Street, Halifax, NS B3J 2R7;
Please include your Federal Express account number or
$1.50 per copy, $3 for five copies or $6 for ten copies (US $). Because of
limited printing, orders cannot exceed ten copies. |