![]() Vol. 5, No. 1 Contents
Headline Back Issues
Winter 2000
Southeastern U.S. Implementation Team for the Recovery of the North Atlantic Whale
meeting, May 3 and 4. Location to be determined. For further information contact Cyndi Thomas at (904) 448-4300, or e-mail:
Marine Biological Invasions: A Northwest Atlantic
Perspective, will be held May 6 to 9 at Dalhousie University in Halifax. Sponsored by the Ecology Action Centre (EAC), the workshop aims to promote and identify actions to reduce and prevent invasions, and discuss current and future government policies. For more details contact Lara Gibson,
g.lara@eudoramail.com, or phone the EAC at (902) 429-2202. The 3rd Annual Canadian River Heritage Conference will be held June 3 to 6 at the Sheraton Hotel in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The conference theme, "Caring for the Waters that Connect Us," is expected to attract delegates from across Canada and the eastern seaboard of the United States and is hosted by the St. John River Society and the Canadian Heritage Rivers System. To obtain conference details contact David Folster at (506) 452-1870 or visit www.riverconference2001.com. The First Annual Writers' Conference and Workshop in Honor of Rachel Carson will be held in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, June 12 through 15 at the Spruce Point Inn. The event will blend scholarly presentations, readings, informal discussions and creative writing workshops. Sponsored by the Nature and Environmental Writers - College and University Educators. For registration information go to www.new-cue.org. Coastal and Estuarine Wetland Restoration Conference, June 18 to 21, at the Radisson Hotel, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The conference, presented by the Association of State Wetland Managers, will assess the status of scientific knowledge concerning coastal and estuarine wetland restoration and suggest future directions for federal, state and local restoration efforts. For details visit www.sso.org/cso. Marine Conservation Biology Institute and the Society for Conservation Biology are hosting the Second Symposium on Marine Conservation Biology at San Francisco State University June 21 to 26. It is intended for scientists and managers interested in the science of protecting, restoring and sustainably using resources in the world's estuaries, coastal waters and oceans. For more information go to: http://www.mcbi.org or e-mail: juliem@selway.umt.edu.