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SEPTEMBER 16 | ||||||
This year's International Coastal Clean-up Day will take place September 16. Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world will meet on beaches, lakes, and streams to remove trash and debris on land and under the water. Volunteers of all ages from every continent will form the largest one-day volunteer event on behalf of clean oceans and waterways. To find out more about the event and to find coordinators in the Gulf of Maine region go to www.coastalcleanup.org. | ||||||
SEPTEMBER 18 - 21 | ||||||
Oceans 2006 MTS/IEEE Conference (Marine Technology Society/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is scheduled for September 18 to 21 in Boston. The technical program will emphasize what's new and innovative in the field of marine science and technology. Scientists from around the globe will present the results of their work on topics such as underwater acoustics, sonar signal processing, current measurements, seafloor mapping, deep ocean exploration and engineering, undersea vehicles, submarine cables and more. In addition, some 200 companies and organizations are expected to showcase their equipment and their services. For information go to www.oceans06mtsieeeboston.org.
OCTOBER 17 - 19 | ||||||
A Workshop on the Use of Exotic Species in Aquaculture will be held on October 17 to 19 in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. It will explore contemporary research on the benefits and the hazards of introduced species and whether there is a "safe" way to introduce an exotic species for aquaculture production. The workshop is sponsored by the Aquaculture Association of Canada and the Sustainable Aquaculture Section of the St. Andrews Biological Station. To receive additional information as it becomes available, contact: Aquaculture Association of Canada, (506) 529-4766 or e-mail aac@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca. | ||||||
OCTOBER 19 - 21 | ||||||
The 6th Marine Law Symposium is scheduled for October 19 to 21 in Bristol, Rhode Island. The theme is “The Evolution of Ecosystem Based Management: From Theory to Practice.” Panels of academics and practitioners will address practical problems related to management shifting toward ecosystem management. The symposium is co-sponsored by the Roger Williams University School of Law Marine Affairs Institute, the University of Rhode Island Department of Marine Affairs, and Rhode Island Sea Grant. For information, email marineaffairs@rwu.edu. | ||||||
OCTOBER 19 - 22 | ||||||
The 2006 Conference of the Canadian Network for Environment Education and Communication, Interpretation Canada and the Nova Scotia Environmental Network is scheduled for October 19 to 22 in White Point, Nova Scotia.. The theme is “Creating a Culture of Environmental Respect and Sustainability.” The goals of the Conference are to create a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints on the future of environmental education, sustainability education and interpretation; to strengthen practice, policy and research by sharing ideas and making connections; and to create a vision and recommendations for how environmental and sustainability education and interpretation can contribute to a culture of environmental respect and sustainability. Registration information is available at www.earthed.ns.ca/saltoftheearth. | ||||||
OCTOBER 25 - 27 | ||||||
The 7th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop of the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership is scheduled for October 25 to 27 in St. Andrews, New Brunswick at the Algonquin Hotel. Hosted by the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, the theme is “Challenges in Environmental Management in the Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine.” For information access www.bofep.org/workshop2006.htm. | ||||||