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SEPTEMBER 19 - 22 |
13th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop will take place September 19 to 22 in Raleigh,
North Carolina. The theme of the workshop is “From Projects to Programs: Enhancing States' NPS
Management Programs through Lessons Learned from NPS Monitoring Projects.” The conference will
provide an opportunity to learn and share experiences on nonpoint source management and monitoring
approaches. The agenda will include three days of sessions, poster presentations and a field trip,
plus two half-day workshops and an optional Sunday field tour. For questions regarding registration
and topics contact Cathy Smith at (919) 515-3723 or
OCTOBER 14 - 17 |
National Land Conservation Conference: Rally 2005, Madison, Wisconsin, October 14 to 17.
Join more than 1,600 participants for one of the world's largest gathering of land trust
professionals and land conservation advocates. The conference will explore land protection
tools and the issues vital to land trusts, the most current information on significant projects
and partnerships, legal and legislative developments, and new perspectives on land trust work.
To register go to the Land Trust Alliance Web site at www.lta.org.
The 9th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling is scheduled for October
31 to November 2 in Charleston, South Carolina. The focus of the conference is on the application
of models to solve engineering and environmental assessment problems. Session topics include:
Circulation Modeling; Pollutant Transport and Water Quality Prediction; Modeling Techniques and
Sensitivity Studies; Linking Models of Terrestrial/Atmospheric/Coastal Systems; and Modeling of
Coastal Systems with Strong Buoyancy Forcing. Find registration information at
http://ocean.oce.uri.edu/ecm9. Or email Malcolm L. Spaulding, University of Rhode Island at
NOVEMBER 6 - 9 |
The 2005 Canadian Coastal Conference is scheduled for November 6 to 9 in Dartmouth,
Nova Scotia. The themes are “The State of the Natural and Engineered Coast” and “Future
Directions in Nearshore Dynamics.” Topics include research and design in coastal science;
management, development and application of coastal GIS; the acquisition, analysis and
interpretation of coastal data; ice impacts on shorelines; design of shore protection;
innovative practices in engineering and shoreline management; integrated coastal management
and impacts and adaptation to climate change. For registration information go to
NOVEMBER 20 - 26 |
The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network National Science Meeting, scheduled for
November 20 to 26 in Penticton, British Columbia. The theme is “Sustainability at the Landscape
Scale: Supporting the Process through Multi-party Stakeholder Participation.” Possible topics
include Maintaining ecological functions, biodiversity and resilience; Roles of parks and
protected areas; Landscape level indicators and protocols; Rare and endangered species monitoring;
Multi-party community-based monitoring; and Invasive species monitoring. Details are at
© 2005 The Gulf of Maine Times