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MARCH 23 |
A Seafloor Mapping Workshop sponsored by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) will be held March 23 at the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse in Boston. CZM will share results of completed and ongoing seafloor mapping and habitat studies in Massachusetts, discuss approaches to apply seafloor mapping data to management and research initiatives and identify needs of the management community to make seafloor mapping and study data useful in facilitating coastal and ocean management. The workshop will demonstrate the importance of the maps to improve understanding of the geologic framework, habitat character and management of the seafloor. To attend this free workshop contact Tony Wilbur at CZM, tony.wilbur@state.ma.us.
MARCH 25 |
The Cape Cod Natural History Conference, sponsored by Mass Audubon/Wellfleet Bay, will be held March 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cape Cod Community College in West Barnstable. The full day conference features presenters from environmental organizations across Cape Cod, covering a diversity of natural history topics. Learn about local research projects, conservation efforts and local environmental organizations. Participants will receive a summary of presentations. For more information, phone the Wellfleet Bay office at (508) 349-2615 or e-mail wellfleet@massaudubon.org.
APRIL 10 |
Maine Coastal Waters Conference 2006 will be held Monday, April 10, at the Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine. The event will focus on issues of concern to managers, researchers and those who love the Maine coast. Sessions will include: Our Changing Coast; Water Quality/Toxics; Coastal Habitats; Linking Land Use to Coastal Resource Health; and Diadromous Fish. Sponsors include Friends of Casco Bay, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Maine Sea Grant College Program, Maine State Planning Office and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service-GOM Program. Information is available on the Maine Department of Marine Resources Web site at www.state.me.us/dmr/coastalwaters2006/.
APRIL 11 |
GIS Conference. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant College Program and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center is sponsoring a one-day conference on April 11 at the Wang Auditorium Tang Center (Building E51) on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “Geographic Information Systems and Ocean Mapping in Support of Fisheries Research and Management,” will bring together individuals and organizations involved in mapping, GIS, data sharing and fisheries research and management to share existing work and coordinate future efforts in the northeast regional ecosystem from Cape Hatteras through the Gulf of Maine. Details are available at http://web.mit.edu/seagrant/GIS06/.
MAY 9 - 12 |
Climate Change Technology Conference is scheduled for May 9 to 12 in Ottawa, Ontario. The theme is “Climate Change: Engineering Challenges and Solutions in the 21st Century.” Topics will include policy and regulations, monitoring and recording climate indicators, allowing for climate change in infrastructure design, modeling and analysis. Go to: http://www.ccc2006.ca/.
MAY 11 - 13 |
Sustainable and Renewable Energy in Atlantic Canada is scheduled for May 11 to 13 in Miramichi, New Brunswick. The Workshop will explore the available technology along with the opportunities and challenges of providing sustainable energy to communities, businesses and residents. It will be held in conjunction with the annual general meeting of the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability. For information on the workshop, e-mail Harry Collins, Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee, mreac@nbnet.nb.ca.
MAY 16 - 17 |
The Atlantic Canada Coastal and Estuarine Science Society (ACCESS) Workshop and Annual General Meeting is scheduled for May 16 and 17 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. The theme is “The connectivity of Maritime aquatic habitats.” Topics include: The trials and tribulations of estuary and lagoon living; Life goes on: beyond the barrier islands (the coastal zone to the edge of the shelf); and Aquaculture: the good, the bad and the ugly. For information, e-mail Dr. David Methven, ACCESS vice president, at dmethven@unbsj.ca.
Look for additional regional and international conferences at the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information Steering Committee Web site http://aczisc.dal.ca/conf.htm.
© 2006 The Gulf of Maine Times