Executive Summary

Executive Summary The premiers of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and the Governors of Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire—the five provinces and states bordering the Gulf of Maine— established the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment in 1989 to maintain...


We envision a healthy and resilient Gulf of Maine where people and aquatic life thrive The Gulf of Maine is a world-class natural wonder that is shared by the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. People...

25th Anniversary

25 Years of Action 2014 marked the 25th anniversary of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. The Council conducted several activities and events to celebrate achievements and prepare for the next 25 years of action. Facing Change Facing Change in the...

Contact the Gulf of Maine Council

For information regarding the Gulf of Maine Council, contact the Council Coordinator or the lead contact within your jurisdiction. Lead Contacts Council Coordination Joan LeBlanc jleblanc@gulfofmaine.org Lead Contacts by Jurisdiction Massachusetts Prassede Vella...

Gulf of Maine Council News

June 12, 2024 Gulf of Maine Council Recognizes International Award Winners for 2024 GULF OF MAINE REGION (NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS) – During a ceremony hosted by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management in Buzzards...

Action Plan 2012-2017

We envision a healthy and resilient Gulf of Maine where people and aquatic life thrive The Gulf of Maine is a world-class natural wonder that is shared by the Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. People...