
Upcoming Meetings December 2024 or January 2025. GOMC Council / Working Group Meeting (virtual) Tentative plans – June 2025, GOMC Council / Working Group Meeting, St. Andrews, New Brunswick Documents from Recent Meetings June 11-12, 2024. GOMC Council / Working...

Working Group

The Working Group serves the Gulf of Maine Council by working with Council members to develop and implement a 5-year Action Plan and shorter term work plans for GOMC initiatives. The Working Group is made up of representatives of state and provincial governments of...

Council Members

Council Co-Chairs (2024 – 2026) Rene Pelletier, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Todd Chaudhry, U.S. Department of the Interior Council Coordinator Joan LeBlanc Jurisdictional Representatives Maine W. Donald Hudson, Chewonki...

Gulf of Maine 2050 – International Symposium

Gulf of Maine 2050 extends its sincere thanks to all of the attendees, speakers, poster presenters, sponsors, partner organizations, and volunteers who came together in Portland, Maine from November 4-8, 2019 to create an inspiring and highly productive week focused...


Adaption The coordinated method of making adjustments in our decisions, activities, and thinking in response to observed or expected changes in climate, with the goal of moderating harm and taking advantage of new opportunities that may be presented by these changes....