This data set contains overall mean values for Secchi transparency, color and a series of water chemistry parameters for surveyed Maine lakes. Data were collected by Maine DEP (MDEP), the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP) [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains pH, color, conductivity and alkalinity data for Maine lakes, by date of collection. Data were collected by ME DEP, Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other organizations. Data are provided by ME [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains chlorophyll data for Maine lakes sampled by ME DEP, Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other organizations. Data were provided by Linda Bacon, ME DEP.
Data are current through the 2018 sampling year.
To [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains total phosphorus data for Maine lakes, by date of collection. Data were collected by ME DEP, Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other organizations. Data are provided by ME Dept. of Environmental [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains Secchi transparency data for Maine lakes, by date of collection. Data were collected by ME DEP, Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other organizations. Data are provided by ME Dept. of Environmental [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains water temperature and dissolved oxygen data for Maine lakes. These data are current through 2018. Data were collected by ME Dept. of Environmental Protection, the Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program and other [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains annual mean values (with maxima and minima) for Secchi transparency, color and a series of water chemistry parameters for surveyed Maine lakes. Data were collected by Maine Department of Environmental Protection [...] [ click to read more ]
G. Cooper and colleagues conducted detailed lake surveys of Maine lakes in the 1930s and 1940s. In addition to species lists, the fisheries data include relative abundance, food habits and age-growth. Other data generated [...] [ click to read more ]
To download the REPORT, click HERE.
To view an interactive MAP of all lakes sampled during the various Cooper surveys, click HERE. This map also shows the fish species collected during these surveys.
The [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains the benthic macro-invertebrate data from the Cooper and Fuller surveys of Maine lakes, conducted from 1938 to 1944. Other data generated from these surveys cover water quality, fish and plankton. The [...] [ click to read more ]
To access the photos, click HERE.
Following abstract is from the project website
During the summer of 2011 Colby Researchers are conducting comprehensive photographic surveys of the shoreline of all of the Belgrade [...] [ click to read more ]
Phosphorus (P) is the limiting macronutrient for primary production in most lakes. Seasonal anoxia in the hypolimnion of lakes has been strongly correlated with internal P loading to the water column. Gravimetric sediment cores were [...] [ click to read more ]
To DOWNLOAD this data file (and metadata), click HERE .
(Note: If your screen displays the file "AudubonLoonCounts_Maine.zipx, please ignore this file - it is an old version of the data)
The data reported here are [...] [ click to read more ]
Download this report here.
Salmon Lake and McGrath Pond are part of the Belgrade Lakes watershed. Approximately 20 years of data for Salmon and McGrath indicate that water clarity has improved in both lakes. Despite [...] [ click to read more ]
Download this report here.
Salmon Lake and McGrath Pond are located in the towns of Belgrade and Oakland and are part of the Belgrade Lakes watershed. The primary purpose of the Phase 3 project was [...] [ click to read more ]
To open data file, click HERE.
This data set contains lists of fish species in Maine lakes and are derived from MDIFW's lake survey database (2007 update). The database contains a listing of all fish [...] [ click to read more ]
This file contains a list of lake associations and conservation / environmental organizations that work, in some capacity, with lakes in Maine. The data include the MIDAS codes and names of lakes present in the [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set contains sightings of the invasive Chinese mystery snail Cipangopaludina (= Bellamya) chinensis. Sightings were made by multiple individuals and reported to the Maine Lake Volunteer Monitoring Program which compiled the data.
To download [...] [ click to read more ]
The map displays surveyed lakes, list of fish species at each lake and fishery management type (as designated by MDIFW).
Data may be viewed in this Google Earth file: Lake_fish.kmz.
Lists of fish species in Maine [...] [ click to read more ]