G. Cooper and colleagues conducted detailed lake surveys of Maine lakes in the 1930s and 1940s. In addition to species lists, the fisheries data include relative abundance, food habits and age-growth. Other data generated [...] [ click to read more ]
To download the REPORT, click click to read more ]
To DOWNLOAD this data file (and metadata), click HERE .
(Note: If your screen displays the file "AudubonLoonCounts_Maine.zipx, please ignore this file - it is an old version of the data)
The data reported here are [...] [ click to read more ]
To open data file, click HERE.
This data set contains lists of fish species in Maine lakes and are derived from MDIFW's lake survey database (2007 update). The database contains a listing of all fish [...] [ click to read more ]
This file contains a list of lake associations and conservation / environmental organizations that work, in some capacity, with lakes in Maine. The data include the MIDAS codes and names of lakes present in the [...] [ click to read more ]
This data set is a compilation of data from multiple sources, principally Matthew Scott and William Reid. Additional records were obtained from the scientific literature. These data were compiled as part of the Maine Aquatic [...] [ click to read more ]
The map displays surveyed lakes, list of fish species at each lake and fishery management type (as designated by MDIFW).
Data may be viewed in this Google Earth file: Lake_fish.kmz.
Lists of fish species in Maine [...] [ click to read more ]