Editor's Notes
Visionaries: An eye toward the future

New version of ESIP monitoring map available

Gulf Voices
A day on Great Bay: In search of the osprey

Science Insights
Dam removal

Profile: Dale Joachim of MIT’s Project Owl

Visionaries: Protecting the future of the Gulf of Maine

Book Review
Soaring with Fidel

Inside the Gulf of Maine Closure Area

Shipping lanes shifted to protect whales

Visionaries in the Gulf of Maine

Ocean Tracking Network to shed light on undersea life

Ambassador for his species: If a whale could speak

On the trail of invasive species

In the News
- Outside the Gulf
- Sappi Paper to remove dam on Presumpscot River
- MIT builds robotic fin for submersible vehicles
- New Brunswick to restore Petitcodiac River
- New Brunswick, Nova Scotia to jointly study Fundy tides

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Fall 2007 - Calendar

October 21 – 23

Ocean Innovation 2007, with the theme “The Rise of Maritime Simulation,” will include sessions on: Navigation and Pilotage, Ports and Waterways, Training Systems and Human Performance. It will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. For more information email Clayton Burry at cburry@ccmc.nf.ca or visit their Web site.

October 24 – 26

Climate 2050 will be hosted by the Veolia Environment Institute (France), the Pew Center on Global Climate Change (USA) and the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (Canada). The objective of the conference is to generate discussions to improve understanding of long-term climate change strategies that will lead to meeting 2050 targets. The conference program is designed to connect research, business and policy and identify solutions to various sectoral and regional climate change challenges. It will be held in Montreal, Quebec. [more information]

October 24 – 27

The OMRN 2007 National Conference of the Ocean Management Research Network will emphasize four themes: Ocean Agenda Implementation, Canada’s North and the Arctic Ocean, Impacts and Adaptations of Coastal Communities and Canada’s Oceans and Climate Change. It will be held in Ottawa, Ontario. [more information]

October 29 – November 1

Fourth Symposium on Harmful Algae in the U.S. will provide a forum for scientific exchange and technical communication on harmful algae bloom research in the United States. It will be hosted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and held at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. [more information]

November 4 – 8

The 2007 Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation will focus on “Science and Management: Observations, Synthesis, Solutions.” The goals of the conference include sharing knowledge in core disciplines and stimulating synthesis and interdisciplinary discussion, getting students involved by providing networking resources and opportunities, integrating international perspectives through participants worldwide and encouraging interactions and collaborations among federation members. It will be held in Providence, Rhode Island. For more information Jonathan Pennock at jonathan.pennock@unh.edu or visit the Estuarine Research Federation Web site.

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For additional info about the Gulf of Maine including maps, photos, current research, the NGO database, and to download other educational
publications please visit The Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment.
Site contents: © 2007 The Gulf of Maine Times