The Gulf of Maine is bounded by Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. |
A vital role of the Council is to serve as a forum to exchange information, innovative ideas, and lessons learned. It leverages regional skills and expertise, thus making more rapid progress in improving the stewardship of the Gulf’s resources. It organizes conferences and workshops on priority issues; conducts integrated environmental monitoring and data synthesis; performs policy analyses; provides grants and awards; accelerates the transfer of science to management via internet-based tools and other mechanisms; raises awareness about the Gulf; and connects people, organizations, data, and information in the region.
Gulf of Maine Councilors are leaders of state, provincial, and federal agencies; non-government organizations; and the private sector. The Gulf of Maine Council fosters consensus-based decision-making and collaboration among a wide range of parties with an interest in the Gulf. Its meetings are open to the public, and its five-year action plans incorporate diverse public input.
Representatives of government agencies, academia, businesses, and non-government organizations participate in the Council’s committees. On an annual rotating basis, one of the five states and provinces serves as the Secretariat and coordinates the Council’s work. Contract staff located around the region work with the Council and its committees to help accomplish its goals, and non-profit associations support the Council in both Canada and the United States.
Guiding Principles
Four principles guide the Council and participating agencies in their decisions involving the Gulf of Maine ecosystem. These principles are congruent with international protocols, as well as state, provincial, and national legislation in Canada and the United States.
Purposes of the Council
In 1989, the Governors of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine, and the Premiers of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia established the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment for three purposes.
Audiences of the Gulf of Maine Council
Role and Sphere of Influence
Vision for the Future
The Council was formed in recognition of the need for natural resource and socioeconomic management spanning political and bureaucratic boundaries. Building on its past accomplishments, the Council will continue supporting region-wide information gathering and sharing (e.g., seafloor mapping, environmental monitoring, science translation to management, indicators, state-of-the-environment reporting), public outreach and education, habitat restoration, and addressing key science and policy gaps.
The Council will continue to foster innovative approaches to sharing information and enhancing collaboration. By working together in a regional forum, the states, provinces, and federal agencies learn from each other, try new approaches, and coordinate their efforts. As a result, they become better stewards of the resources for which they are responsible.
The Council will continue to nurture strong partnerships among local, regional, and national organizations that are responsive to issues of regional concern. Wherever appropriate, the Council will participate and assist these groups, often seeking to build their capacity by creating strategic alliances.
The EcoSystem Indicator Partnership (ESIP) released a smartphone app, available for iOS and Android. [ Click here for more ]
The new version of the Monitoring Map contains over 13,000 (!) separate monitoring sites with associated information served on a Google Earth platform. [ Click here for more ]