Gulf of Maine Library Collection
Wilson, Pete. Californias Ocean Resources:
An Agenda for the Future. The Resources Agency of California. July 1995.
California's Ocean Resources: An Agenda For the Future was prepared
pursuant to a legislative mandate (AB 205, Chapter 1027, Status. 199 1).
This document helped the California Ocean Resources Management Program
realize its mission of ensuring comprehensive and coordinated management,
conservation, and enhancement of California's ocean resources for their
intrinsic value and for the benefit of current and future generations.
In doing so, the major State and federal laws that impacted California's
ocean ecosystem are listed and described herein, as are the roles of the
agencies charged with implementing these laws. California's complex system
of State and federal reserves, refuges, sanctuaries, areas of special
biological significance, and other managed areas are described and mapped
in a single source document for the first ' time. A computer- based geographic
information system was developed in conjunction with this effort that
allowed immediate retrieval and analysis of an extensive array of ocean
and coastal resource information. Also included in this resource is an
economic analysis prepared specifically for this project which reveals
that seven ocean-dependent industries directly and indirectly contributed
17.3 billion dollars to the State's economy in 1992, supporting over 370,000
jobs in California.
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