Gulf of Maine Library Collection
Sustaining Resources in the Gulf of Maine: Toward Regional Management
of Actions. Judith Pederson, David Vander Zwaag. January 1997. 103 pp.
The Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine
Environment from Land Based Activities (GPA) was developed to assist
regional and national authorities in countering marine and coastal
pollution. In 1995 both the United States and Canada agreed to strengthen
all efforts addressing marine degradation from land based sources. As a
result of this agreement, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
chose the Gulf of Maine for a pilot project to help develop regional
activities using the methodology of the GPA. This working paper contains
an overview of the GPA methodology, as well as an overview of the Gulf of
Maine region. The paper describes and examines in some length the
contaminants in the Gulf of Maine, offering pie charts to show the
percentage of pollutants flowing from each state and province in the
region. Also within the paper is a comparison of the approaches used by
the United States and Canada to managing land-based activities and
pollution, as well as descriptions of existing initiatives and programs
that address this issue. The working paper concludes by offering an
initial assessment of the objectives and actions within the Gulf of Maine.
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