Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Gulf of Maine Library Collection

The Gulf of Maine Regional Marine Research Program: Report on Research Program. May 1997.

This report is the second of two "2-Year Reports," the first of which was submitted in February 1995. This report contains an overview of the Gulf of Maine Regional Marine Research Program (RMRP), including information on its programmatic progress to date, as well as the research grants program and administration and management. The report also contains the findings and conclusions of the research conducted in the Gulf of Maine region. The last two sections of this report offers recommendations to improve the design and/or implementation of programs that protect the marine environment, as well as available data and information pertaining to ecosystem health in the region. The appendices of this report contains summaries of the research proposals funded by the Gulf of Maine RMRP, beginning in June 1993 and ending August 1995, as well as technical progress reports on the research projects.

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