Gulf of Maine Library Collection
Protecting the Gulf of Maine from Land
Based Activities, Workshop I: Issues, Priorities and Actions. Global
Programme of Action Coalition for the Gulf of Maine. 27-29 April 1998. 21
This workshop convened in April of 1998 in St. John, New Brunswick to
determine regional priority pollutant and habitat issues for action. This
prioritization is part of the implementation of the Global Programme of
Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land Based
Activities (GPA). This binational effort, comprised of individuals from
both the United States and Canada, is called GPAC. From this workshop,
priority pollutant lists were generated and then separated into three
categories (List A, List B (reserve list) and Horizon issues). Contains
within these lists are dioxins/furans, petroleum hydrocarbons, greenhouse
gases, organic carbon and pharmaceuticals. This report includes a summary
of the scope and effects of all the pollutants from List A. The report
concludes by identifying eight critical habitat issues in the Gulf of
Maine, including development adjacent to coastal habitats, eutrophication
and hydraulic obstructions.
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