Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Gulf of Maine Library Collection

Mandale Consulting. The Economic Value of Marine-Related Resources in New Brunswick. May 2000. 76 pp.

This report, which is published in both French anf English, was commissioned by the New Brunswick Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The aim of this project was to estimate the importance of the marine sector in the economy of New Brunswick and to define a methodology by which this could be done more easily in the future. This report demonstrates the importance of the marine sector by evaluating its direct and indirect contribution to Gross Domestic Product, how many people it employs, and how much these people take home in wages and salaries. This report is divided into four chapters, the first of which is an introduction that defines the marine sector and describes the methodology. The second chapter examines New Brunswick's marine sector, specifically its private industries and government departments. The next chapter explores the wider impacts of the marine sector and the final chapter contains the conclusions from the research project.

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