Gulf of Maine Library Collection
Jones, Barry. 2nd Shellfish Habitat Restoration
Workshop. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. 1993. 32 pp.
During April, 1992, Environment Canada sponsored a workshop in Halifax,
Nova Scotia, for senior Canadian environmental managers on behalf of the
Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. The objective of this
venture was to "educate" the higher, decision-making levels
of government as to the mandate, work and plans of the Council relative
to the preservation of the environmental health of the Gulf, and to obtain
their commitment to support and pursue such activities. As a result of
this workshop, the New Brunswick Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
made the commitment to sponsor another workshop, in 1993 - The focus of
this workshop was to be placed on the restoration of shellfish habitat
throughout the Gulf of Maine. The purpose of this workshop was to give
key players in the industry, such as managers, researchers and industry
representatives, the opportunity to discuss the situation in the Gulf
of Maine and what effects it has on the shellfish which inhabit it. The
ultimate objective was to promote more harvesting openings in the Gulf
through improving the marine environment in the Gulf of Maine. This resource
documents this workshop, providing the abstracts, recommendations, and
summaries produced from its proceedings.
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