Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Gulf of Maine Library Collection

Hildebrand, Larry and Barry Jones. Summary Report from the Canada - U.S. Regional Workshop on Coastal Zone Management - Experiences and Approaches. November 17-18, 1993. 12 pp.

This workshop on Coastal Zone Management occurred on November 17-18, 1993 in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Experts in coastal zone management gathered to share their goals and approaches to management, to share their experiences and to explore options for a coordinated approach to coastal zone management. The summary of the workshop contains the recommendations that were generated at the workshop, answers the question of why do we need coastal zone management and describes the goal of coastal zone management in Atlantic Canada. At the workshop there were four themes: international obligations/cooperation, the role of science, information and knowledge, legal/regulatory/institutional aspects, community/private role and participation and CZM Policy development. Under each of these categories, the summary provides specific actions to be taken in relation to management. Also included in this resource is a list of registered workshop participants.

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