Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Gulf of Maine Library Collection

Identification of Important Habitats in the Lower Casco Bay (Maine) Watershed

Table 6. Wetland Types found in Casco Bay and Their Suitability for Wading Birds Based on National Wetlands Inventory Attributes
NWI abbreviation Description Relative foraging suitability for wading birds** (0 to 4) Adapted from Gibbs et al. 1991 Adapted from Chapman and Howard, 1984 ( * = 'of value')
M1UB - Marine, Subtidal, Unconsolidated Bottom 0
M2AB - Marine, Intertidal, Aquatic Bed 3
M2RF - Marine, Intertidal, Reef 2
M2RS - Marine, Intertidal, Rocky Shore 1
M2US - Marine, Intertidal, Unconsolidated Shore 2
E1UB - Estuarine, Subtidal, Unconsolidated Bottom 0
E2AB - Estuarine, Intertidal, Aquatic Bed 4 *
E2RS - Estuarine, Intertidal, Rocky Shore 2
E2US - Estuarine, Intertidal, Unconsolidated Shore 4 *
E2EM - Estuarine, Intertidal, Emergent 4 *
R1UB - Riverine, Tidal, Unconsolidated Bottom 0 *
R1AB - Riverine, Tidal, Aquatic Bed 4 *
R1RS - Riverine, Tidal, Rocky Shore 2
R1US - Riverine, Tidal, Unconsolidated Shore 4 *
R2UB - Riverine, Lower Perennial, Unconsolidated Bottom 0 *
R2RS - Riverine, Lower Perennial, Rocky Shore 1
R2US - Riverine, Lower Perennial, Unconsolidated Shore 2 *
R3RB - Riverine, Upper Perennial, Rock 0
L1UB - Lacustrine, Limnetic, Unconsolidated Bottom 0 1
PUB - Palustrine, Unconsolidated Bottom 2 0 *
PAB - Palustrine, Aquatic Bed 3 2 *
PEM - Palustrine, Emergent 4 3 *
PSS - Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub 4 4 *
PFO - Palustrine, Forested 3 3 *
U - Upland 0
Gibbs, J.P., J.R. Longcore, D.G. McAuley and J.K. Ringelman. 1991. Use of Wetland Habitats by Selected Nongame Water Birds in Maine. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish Wildl. Res. 9. 57pp.

Chapman, B.R. and R.J. Howard. 1984. Habitat suitability index models: great egret. Biol. Rept. 82(10.78),

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

** Suitability based upon literature, and higher anticipated productivity in wetlands and in tidal waters with aquatic macro-vegetation, and by greater accessibility to forage in wetlands offering limited obstructions.