Emerging issues

January 2, 2012

By Peter Wells
International Ocean Institute and Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University

Emerging issues are defined by Munn et al. (1999) as “an issue positive or negative, which is not yet generally recognized but which may have significant impact on human and/or ecosystem health in the 21st century… an emerging issue is associated with one or more of the following: a) political, social, economic , financial, institutional or technological developments that may cause changes in trends of human activities …; b) new evidence or theory that suggests potentially large environmental change, but which is currently either not widely accepted, or is considered unproven …; and c) lack of adequate policy, action or leadership on an existing issue, which may become more significant or more urgent in the future. An emerging issue is not necessarily an issue no one has heard of, or that comes as a shocking surprise”. The emerging issues in the theme paper are categorized as pressures (i.e., human activities), impacts (i.e., environmental change), and societal response.

Emerging pressures in the Gulf of Maine include: changes in coastal economies; marine energy; marine mining; and climate change.

Emerging impacts in the Gulf of Maine include understanding change in the Gulf’s ecosystem; protecting and conserving habitats and biodiversity; hydrocarbons; chemical contaminants; emerging diseases in marine organisms; addressing cumulative effects of multiple stressors.

Emerging actions and responses include: information management; changes in ocean governance; practicing integrated coastal and ocean management; practicing ecosystem-based management and ecosystem-based fisheries management; promoting protected areas in the Gulf; recognizing links between ecological and human health; and understanding communicating ecosystem services.

More detailed information is available in the theme paper.

Munn, RE, Whyte AVT and Timmerman, P (1999) Emerging Environmental Issues for the 21st Century: a Study for GEO-2000. International Council of Scientific Unions and UNEP. www.unep.org/geo2000

Theme papers are being developed incrementally and will be updated as necessary. Theme papers that will be released over the next year include: Microbial Pathogens and Toxins; Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine; Offshore Ecosystems and Habitats; Watershed Status; Eutrophication; and Toxic Contaminants.

For more information on the State of the Gulf of Maine Report please visit the website www.gulfofmaine.org/stateofthegulf or contact Melanie MacLean at melanie.maclean@dfo-mpo.gc.ca



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